Adolescence is a time when our minds are exploding with growth and identity formation, as much as they did as toddlers. This is one of my favorite things about working with this population, all the modalities I use are based on changing our neural pathways and this seems to happen on steroids with people who’s brains are already in such a growth state. One of the most important things that I can bring to my adolescent clients is authenticity and dignity, most teens can sense pandering or condescension from a mile away. I do not preach or talk down, I am very much a “real other” as is so well captured in AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy). I am real, I share my own stories (to the extent they are helpful and healing) and I am direct. It is a relational therapy that I find particularly useful with this age group and with in AEDP this concept of real humanity in the therapist as well most especially. I have found are that they are (as I was) beyond sick of being spoken down to, and there is no room for growth, healing or exploration if there is no therapeutic rapport. This in and of itself is often enough to create and excellent therapeutic space for tweens and teens where change is often seen very quickly. Beyond this the education in feeling their feelings in their bodies continues to serve them and help them develop along healthy lines for many years after therapy has ended.