As and AuDHD (ADHD and Autistic) therapist I am not only deeply interested in working with other neurodivergent people but I find that it also deeply increases my ability to connect with these clients. And, as my homepage states, therapeutic rapport is the most important factor in successful therapeutic outcomes. My experience personally and professionally has taught me that neurodivergence is not a “problem” in and of itself. It cannot be “fixed”, it is an in-born way that the brain and nervous system views and experiences the world and processes input that is non-normative. The work in therapy when dealing with Neurodivergence is learning to be yourself, to find yourself and unmask. There are often many layers of shame associated with years of trying to shove a beautiful multifaceted brain into a square box. It can be painful, liberating and empowering all at the same time to face this common experience. Sometimes it can sound like the freedom of “Im not broken” and the pain of “I’ve felt so broken” simultaneously. Id love to explore all the unique facets of your mind and heart together.