

“The opposite of addiction is connection”. I believe the best way I can help you as a therapist is to get you connected. Weather you are questioning your use of alcohol or substance use for the first time, already in recovery, or in relapse I have experience in supporting the recovery process and helping you get to where you want to be. I am also there to help you through the decision making process. If we eventually decide together that you do have a problem that has become out of your control, then right from the get-go I like to let clients know that I strongly recommend and support the 12 step approach to treating alcoholism and addiction. I am also trained in motivational interviewing and harm reduction and 100% there to meet you where you are, weather you are ready to take action or not. However, I am up front that I feel that eventually becoming part of a community that can support you far more than any one (or a dozen therapists) could is the path I recommend and encourage. I understand alcoholism and addiction to be a true disease and I do not feel that I that I can treat it alone as a single therapist. I find my role in the treatment of alcoholism and addiction is best described as a professional support to help you decide for yourself if you have this disease, and then supporting you in taking the actions necessary to treat it, as well as navigating the family dynamics around this “family disease”. My other favorite category of recovery treatment is working with those who are already in recovery and find that they have “outside issues” that they want to explore with a recovery friendly therapist, or explore and treat issues that are effecting their program of recovery.